Monday, June 8, 2015

Let's Try This Again

Okay. This is harder than I thought. But I am setting a goal to do better at this. But I gotta catch you up for a second.

  1. I figured out (while at BYU-I) that I have mild depression issues. It's been a blast (not). (Long story short, there was a guy, and it ended very very badly, and school and everything became VERY difficult. It was hard to leave my room, and luckily my friends were there for me, and helped me through it.) It's been very enlightening, and a challenge I wish I didn't need to face.
  2. I moved home after my second semester, and realized maybe an art degree wasn't right for me. (Curse you, online art classes!) (For the record, I was intending to go back, but to study something else.)
  3. I met a guy, and it turns out, he was the One. (Carpool ride down to a camp out. We were engaged by the end of the next week. Heehee. [I'll tell that one in greater detail later. For now, you live in suspense. Sucker.])
  4. We got Married! I married Superman on October 26, 2013, and it's been a blast! I couldn't imagine life without him, and he has helped me grow and learn more than I knew I needed.
  5. I started an Accounting Degree. I really enjoyed how it's a big puzzle, making everything balance and putting it all in the right place. I only finished one year because...
  6. We had a Flowerchild on October 19, 2014. (Giving birth is hard. Just Saying. Totally worth it, but hard.) She's adorable, and I love her to pieces. When she's happy she's the cutest thing in the world. When she's not... yeah.

  7. I realized (with help from Superman) that I have ADHD. I'm predominantly Inattentive (turns out there's 3 types. Who knew?!) It helps explain a lot of growing up, especially why I detested and put off my homework so much. Wish I had figured that one out sooner. (It can also make depression symptoms worse. Go figure.) It's also another reason I have only completed one year of my degree so far. Part of my blog will be on how I'm handling this unmedicated because...
  8. I'm expecting again! Yay! We are expanding our little clan again in December, and we'll see how Flowerchild likes being a big sister. It'll be a blast.
There. those are the big things that have happened to me in the last 2 years (oh my gosh, I'm so sorry).

I'm going to be trying to write more about my daily life. Raising my family, geeking out about nerdy things, teaching little kids at church, cooking and sewing and painting, and trying to do my best with the challenges I've been given. At the very least, this will be a bit like a journal, and maybe I'll make someone laugh, or think, or try out a new recipe or project along the way. And that's okay. I'm not trying to make this huge, but it'll be huge to me. And if you stick around for the ride, I don't mind the company.

See you soon,


Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Lot Can Happen in a Month

I'm just going to say it again, I'm working on this whole blogging thing. But now i get to play catch-up, and it's fun. :) Last time I posted was about a month ago, and there's actually been a lot that's happened, it's kinda crazy.

In January, we (my roommates/friends) went to this activity called Uprising: the Paint Fight. It was so fun. Pretty much, it was a dance party with blacklights, and at the end it turned into a paint war. With neon paint. It was epic.

At the paint fight! (see how we glow?!)
The aftermath! (yeah, we've got some pretty crazy faces...)

Trying to think of what else happened in January... Apparently nothing too huge. haha. So February came, and all the pink and hearts came out. I was dreading that a bit. Valentine's Day at BYU-I Do... all ewwy-gooey lovey-dovey. And it was. It wasn't that bad though, at the same time. I was having some issues with my self confidence at the time, but I got it figured out, and it's worked out for the best.

Last week I went night-skiing. I haven't gone skiing in a long time, and it was... interesting. I fell down on the hills a lot. And I've never actually gone skiing on a legit mountain before, and it was HUGE! So fun, but it was huge! But on one of my last runs, I wiped out pretty bad and hurt my knee. My first thought when it happened was, "Oh my gosh. I broke my leg." I just laid in the snow for a minute, trying to process the pain, and what happened, when I figured out it didn't hurt that bad. I managed to get down the hill without killing myself, and then I went to the lodge to take a break. It was still a ton of fun. Only now my knee gets swollen and hurts a ton if I do too much on it. Which is fantastic. :P

But I'm loving college. It's kinda funny being out here. All these fun, crazy, amazing people. People getting engaged left and right (not really, that's an exaggeration). All the new friends to meet and get to know. My roommates and I were talking the other day about how much things change in a month.

A little over a month ago, a guy in my math class started talking to the girl he proposed to on Sunday. (btw, that's fast even by Mormon standards. But still amazing. :) )

A month ago, I had an amazing boyfriend that I talked to all the time. Now, we don't talk at all, and I've figured out he probably isn't The One. I felt awful, and it broke my heart, but it really is for the best.

Even in a week things can change so much. A week ago, I was upset because the guy I had a crush on decided he would date a girl back home that he wouldn't see for another 3 months. And then I was a little upset because I was the only roommate that hadn't gone on a date yet. I still haven't, but now it doesn't feel like it matters.

A week ago, I realized I didn't remember what it was like to be nervous about a guy, and get butterflies so bad you feel sick. I realized I couldn't remember how to flirt, and be fun around a guy. I had forgotten how to be myself.

I guess I finally realized that you really do have to live more in the moment. In just a short time, the things you worry about today will be over, and you'll have new things to worry about. That no matter what your problem is, and how hard it is today, it will pass. Don't worry about tomorrow. Deal as best as you can with today, and everything will be okay.

Love love love,


Monday, January 14, 2013

My College Escapades

The title is a bit misleading. I haven't really had too many escapades yet out here, but this is the beginning of them. :) I'm really excited to see where this road takes me.

I'm just starting my second week here on campus, and it's been a blast so far. My classes are great, my roommates are fantastic, and there's tons of awesome guys everywhere! ;) My ward is also amazing. It feels like I'm home, and I love all the people there.

Every now and then I miss my friends and family back home, but they're just a phone call away, so I'm not too worried.

My first adventure? I think that this morning would qualify. So lately, it's been absolutely freezing out here. Like, you wake up and it's -18 outside, kind of freezing. Well, today, to put insult on top of injury, the power went out. I got to miss my first class, but I mean come on!! My roommates all woke up before me, so they're walking around in coats and boots when I finally get out of bed. They tell me the power was out, so i go to find my extra blankets. And we ended up in the living room, talking and laughing, and freezing. It ended up okay, and the power came on about a half-hour ago, so no harm done.

Sometimes I wish I was more outgoing and talkative, so I could get to know more people. It's not hard out here, everyone's friendly, but sometimes I wish I had the nerve to start up the conversation, or keep it going. I mean, it couldn't hurt, right? Especially if you find a guy pretty cute. ;) Guess I'll just have to work on it.

Well, I guess now that I have class again, I should probably go do something with myself. :P
Later gators!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Long Black Dress...

Yes, I am aware that it's been awhile. But that's okay, I think. I moved to Utah to live with my sister and her family before I head up to school in January. It's amazing out here. I've never really lived in the mountains before, and they are so beautiful. My mom would say that they're just big hunks of rock, but I'm amazed by them everyday. 

My thoughts lately have been filled with wedding ideas. (No, I'm not engaged, and as far as I know, a wedding is still years away.) But sometimes a girl can't help it. especially not with a site like Pinterest around. :) But I saw this beautiful pale blue wedding dress the other day, inspired by Disney's Cinderella, and it got me thinking. "It would be really cool to have a colored wedding dress."

I'm not talking Ivory, or Blush. I'm not a big fan of wearing pink, in any shade. But I think I could totally pull off a blue dress. After pondering this for a while, I started thinking about different colored dresses, so I Googled pictures of colored wedding dresses, and came up with another idea. What if I reversed what colors the bride and groom wear? The bride could wear a black wedding dress, and the groom could wear a white suit. For example:

Totally untraditional, but still classy and elegant. I think I could totally pull it off. I mean, red hair, pale skin? heck yes, I look fantastic in black. But I'm pretty sure my family would all think I'm a little nuts. And seeing as I'm LDS, I'm pretty sure that I would be the first one ever to choose such a different color for a wedding dress. But at the same time, I think it would be so different and unique, and so me that it would actually work. I would definitely have to talk it over with whoever I marry, but until then it's fun to imagine.

If anyone has thoughts or ideas, please do share them. I'm curious to see what you think. :)

Photos courtesy of :

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Okay to be a Reject!!

Ahh, work... I love my job... (that's just dripping with sarcasm, so you know.) I made an epic oops today. I went to move a tub full of cheese, lost my balance and ended up slipping on a piece of cheese (oh, the irony...). There goes one tub of cheese to the fishbait bin... (fishbait is what we call 'landfill cheese' it's been contaminated (aka dropped on the floor) and is just garbage now.) That was fun. Made a giant mess that did. Right in the middle of where everyone has to walk through. And yet no one stopped to help... Hmmm...

Any way, I was thinking at work again, because I really have nothing else to do. It's either think while I work, or get a bajillion different single lines of a bajillion different songs stuck in my head as I work (because apparently I can't remember full songs!!! D: ) So I was thinking. And this is what I came up with: The only place where it is NOT okay to be different, is at the cheese factory. But only if you're cheese. Let me explain. (I'll probably use some funny words here in a moment. Bear with me.)

If the cheese is "bad" we call them "rejects". It's not really bad, it's just not good for packaging and selling. So if you (the cheese) are too fat or too thin, you're a reject. If you're not straight (ha ha), reject. If you're clothes don't fit right, reject. (that would be the film (the plastic wrapping)) We don't want no baggy clothes or spandex in this place... :P If you're best friend (the other cheese it's attached to) is a reject and it rubs off on you, reject. (meaning the film probably didn't seal right, which makes it bad too.) And some others that I thought of before, but can't remember at the moment.

But as I was rescuing the good cheese from being Rejected, (funny game, I should show you sometime. Only problem is, I would need a conveyor belt...) I was thinking about this stuff and I was like, "Life would be so boring if that's how it was. 'You're different than everyone else... OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!'" I'm so glad we're all different, and we're not all cookie cutter people.

There was a girl at school who had a t-shirt that read, "You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same." I love that saying. :) It really is okay to be different, no matter how that may be. You are you, and no one else matters.

I have a bracelet that I got from a website. You've probably seen me wearing it. It's black and all it says is "BEDIFFERENT" in white letters. (people like to pretend their funny and read it 'bedifferent' as one word.) I wear it all the time (except at work) as a reminder of 2 things. 1. It's okay to be different, it really is. And 2. I should be different than who I was, before I started to figure some things in my life out. It's okay to change who you are, and be different. It's okay to be a reject. :)

I kind of enjoy being a reject. :) I hope you like it too. It's not so bad. The only people who laugh at you or call you weird are a) your friends, b) your significant other, or c) people who think they're too cool but are actually really lame. And seeing as how two of those options are people who actually love you, the other option is really easy to put up with.

Those are my Reject thoughts for the day. :) Hope you enjoyed.



Wednesday, July 18, 2012

oh whoops...

I totally just realized that a good chunk of my life looks like it's missing... haha. I guess i could play a little bit of catch up for ya.

hmmmm... January... had a bunch of cheer competitions, took first at Freedom, and Green Bay Classic (we beat the arena!! :D) where we also had a stunting team (also first, beat Shawano!!), took second at the Lightning Bolt Explosion and Regionals, (some of the girls weren't too happy, but second's a trip to state, so whatever.) and then we took third at state!!!! This was big for us, cuz we just didn't want to get last like the first three years we went... We were all screaming and crying... :)
Our Studly Stunt Group, just got a first over Shawano! :)

My lovely ladies!! Our first place at Freedom (after our tears and hugs)

 That's actually going into February... Cheer season didn't actually end til March, because our basketball teams were doing really good this year. :)

But somewhere in all this excitement, I auditioned for our spring play (Fairy Tale: The Ever After) and I got a part!!! With Lines!!!! I was chosen for the part of Snow White, which was so much fun. Snow White was starting to go insane, and she was really out of it, so it was fun. And she died. again. She fell for the apple thing again... My best friend was the witch- I mean maid. :) So my best friend was killing off all the other characters, including my husband, and me (did I mention she had a dragon?). But we were saved by a gallant knight! (apparently he was my other 'one true love' cuz he kissed me awake. weird...) But the play was so much fun! I loved every minute of it. :)

My bestie (Hedda/Witch) and Me (Snow)

So that takes us into April... and nothing really happened til May with graduation. !  YAY!! I'm all gradjumukated and stuff and all adult-like now! :) (and I have no life outside of ...cheese...)

But yeah... now I think I'm caught up, and I finally put pictures up, so it's all good. Good? good. :)


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cheese Mines... Oh Joy

Apparently I'm just as bad at this whole blogging business as everyone else in my family. Good to know we're all related somehow. :)

So I finally got my first actual job. Yeah, I know, took long enough. But I work at a cheese factory. Joy. 8 hour shifts 3 or 4 days a week. On my feet the whole time. Let's just say that my back is killing me. And my knees, and my feet... But it's a job, and it's paying for college.

Let me explain the Cheese Mines: My first week of work, all of my siblings were back home. My brother-in-law heard where I was working, and quoted a movie. Apparently in the movie there was a girl from wisconsin who worked in the "cheese mines" a.k.a. cheese factory. Thus my "new" job title. :)

So yeah. That's pretty much all my summer's been. Cheese, cheese, and more cheese... Can't even smell the stuff anymore. Bleh...

I have to figure out a system for writing on here... Maybe Sundays will be my blog days. Or my factory/cheese free days. Maybe whenever I remember. Hmmmm... Guess you'll find out with me. ;)

Ta-Ta For Now,