Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Okay to be a Reject!!

Ahh, work... I love my job... (that's just dripping with sarcasm, so you know.) I made an epic oops today. I went to move a tub full of cheese, lost my balance and ended up slipping on a piece of cheese (oh, the irony...). There goes one tub of cheese to the fishbait bin... (fishbait is what we call 'landfill cheese' it's been contaminated (aka dropped on the floor) and is just garbage now.) That was fun. Made a giant mess that did. Right in the middle of where everyone has to walk through. And yet no one stopped to help... Hmmm...

Any way, I was thinking at work again, because I really have nothing else to do. It's either think while I work, or get a bajillion different single lines of a bajillion different songs stuck in my head as I work (because apparently I can't remember full songs!!! D: ) So I was thinking. And this is what I came up with: The only place where it is NOT okay to be different, is at the cheese factory. But only if you're cheese. Let me explain. (I'll probably use some funny words here in a moment. Bear with me.)

If the cheese is "bad" we call them "rejects". It's not really bad, it's just not good for packaging and selling. So if you (the cheese) are too fat or too thin, you're a reject. If you're not straight (ha ha), reject. If you're clothes don't fit right, reject. (that would be the film (the plastic wrapping)) We don't want no baggy clothes or spandex in this place... :P If you're best friend (the other cheese it's attached to) is a reject and it rubs off on you, reject. (meaning the film probably didn't seal right, which makes it bad too.) And some others that I thought of before, but can't remember at the moment.

But as I was rescuing the good cheese from being Rejected, (funny game, I should show you sometime. Only problem is, I would need a conveyor belt...) I was thinking about this stuff and I was like, "Life would be so boring if that's how it was. 'You're different than everyone else... OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!'" I'm so glad we're all different, and we're not all cookie cutter people.

There was a girl at school who had a t-shirt that read, "You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same." I love that saying. :) It really is okay to be different, no matter how that may be. You are you, and no one else matters.

I have a bracelet that I got from a website. You've probably seen me wearing it. It's black and all it says is "BEDIFFERENT" in white letters. (people like to pretend their funny and read it 'bedifferent' as one word.) I wear it all the time (except at work) as a reminder of 2 things. 1. It's okay to be different, it really is. And 2. I should be different than who I was, before I started to figure some things in my life out. It's okay to change who you are, and be different. It's okay to be a reject. :)

I kind of enjoy being a reject. :) I hope you like it too. It's not so bad. The only people who laugh at you or call you weird are a) your friends, b) your significant other, or c) people who think they're too cool but are actually really lame. And seeing as how two of those options are people who actually love you, the other option is really easy to put up with.

Those are my Reject thoughts for the day. :) Hope you enjoyed.



Wednesday, July 18, 2012

oh whoops...

I totally just realized that a good chunk of my life looks like it's missing... haha. I guess i could play a little bit of catch up for ya.

hmmmm... January... had a bunch of cheer competitions, took first at Freedom, and Green Bay Classic (we beat the arena!! :D) where we also had a stunting team (also first, beat Shawano!!), took second at the Lightning Bolt Explosion and Regionals, (some of the girls weren't too happy, but second's a trip to state, so whatever.) and then we took third at state!!!! This was big for us, cuz we just didn't want to get last like the first three years we went... We were all screaming and crying... :)
Our Studly Stunt Group, just got a first over Shawano! :)

My lovely ladies!! Our first place at Freedom (after our tears and hugs)

 That's actually going into February... Cheer season didn't actually end til March, because our basketball teams were doing really good this year. :)

But somewhere in all this excitement, I auditioned for our spring play (Fairy Tale: The Ever After) and I got a part!!! With Lines!!!! I was chosen for the part of Snow White, which was so much fun. Snow White was starting to go insane, and she was really out of it, so it was fun. And she died. again. She fell for the apple thing again... My best friend was the witch- I mean maid. :) So my best friend was killing off all the other characters, including my husband, and me (did I mention she had a dragon?). But we were saved by a gallant knight! (apparently he was my other 'one true love' cuz he kissed me awake. weird...) But the play was so much fun! I loved every minute of it. :)

My bestie (Hedda/Witch) and Me (Snow)

So that takes us into April... and nothing really happened til May with graduation. !  YAY!! I'm all gradjumukated and stuff and all adult-like now! :) (and I have no life outside of ...cheese...)

But yeah... now I think I'm caught up, and I finally put pictures up, so it's all good. Good? good. :)


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cheese Mines... Oh Joy

Apparently I'm just as bad at this whole blogging business as everyone else in my family. Good to know we're all related somehow. :)

So I finally got my first actual job. Yeah, I know, took long enough. But I work at a cheese factory. Joy. 8 hour shifts 3 or 4 days a week. On my feet the whole time. Let's just say that my back is killing me. And my knees, and my feet... But it's a job, and it's paying for college.

Let me explain the Cheese Mines: My first week of work, all of my siblings were back home. My brother-in-law heard where I was working, and quoted a movie. Apparently in the movie there was a girl from wisconsin who worked in the "cheese mines" a.k.a. cheese factory. Thus my "new" job title. :)

So yeah. That's pretty much all my summer's been. Cheese, cheese, and more cheese... Can't even smell the stuff anymore. Bleh...

I have to figure out a system for writing on here... Maybe Sundays will be my blog days. Or my factory/cheese free days. Maybe whenever I remember. Hmmmm... Guess you'll find out with me. ;)

Ta-Ta For Now,