- I figured out (while at BYU-I) that I have mild depression issues. It's been a blast (not). (Long story short, there was a guy, and it ended very very badly, and school and everything became VERY difficult. It was hard to leave my room, and luckily my friends were there for me, and helped me through it.) It's been very enlightening, and a challenge I wish I didn't need to face.
- I moved home after my second semester, and realized maybe an art degree wasn't right for me. (Curse you, online art classes!) (For the record, I was intending to go back, but to study something else.)
- I met a guy, and it turns out, he was the One. (Carpool ride down to a camp out. We were engaged by the end of the next week. Heehee. [I'll tell that one in greater detail later. For now, you live in suspense. Sucker.])
- We got Married! I married Superman on October 26, 2013, and it's been a blast! I couldn't imagine life without him, and he has helped me grow and learn more than I knew I needed.
- I started an Accounting Degree. I really enjoyed how it's a big puzzle, making everything balance and putting it all in the right place. I only finished one year because...
- We had a Flowerchild on October 19, 2014. (Giving birth is hard. Just Saying. Totally worth it, but hard.) She's adorable, and I love her to pieces. When she's happy she's the cutest thing in the world. When she's not... yeah.
- I realized (with help from Superman) that I have ADHD. I'm predominantly Inattentive (turns out there's 3 types. Who knew?!) It helps explain a lot of growing up, especially why I detested and put off my homework so much. Wish I had figured that one out sooner. (It can also make depression symptoms worse. Go figure.) It's also another reason I have only completed one year of my degree so far. Part of my blog will be on how I'm handling this unmedicated because...
- I'm expecting again! Yay! We are expanding our little clan again in December, and we'll see how Flowerchild likes being a big sister. It'll be a blast.
There. those are the big things that have happened to me in the last 2 years (oh my gosh, I'm so sorry).
I'm going to be trying to write more about my daily life. Raising my family, geeking out about nerdy things, teaching little kids at church, cooking and sewing and painting, and trying to do my best with the challenges I've been given. At the very least, this will be a bit like a journal, and maybe I'll make someone laugh, or think, or try out a new recipe or project along the way. And that's okay. I'm not trying to make this huge, but it'll be huge to me. And if you stick around for the ride, I don't mind the company.
See you soon,